Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Tea Party--- Racist???

Everywhere I turn today liberals are playing the race card, calling the Tea Party Racist. Its been in columns, blogs, interview, on both TV and radio and more. Even Michelle Obama joined in yesterday in calling the Tea Party a racist organization (that is actually what started this whole fiasco). The problem is, IT ISN'T TRUE!!! There is not an ounce of evidence that supports this thinking.

Now am I saying that there aren't racist in Tea Party movement... no. But that in no way shape or form means that the Tea Party movement is a racist organization.

In every one of these interviews that a liberal, or someone from the NAACP, is calling the Tea Party racist, if the interview-er is any good, they are putting the accuser into a corner and forcing them to prove their statements... and guess what... they can't do it. You know why? There is no evidence to support it.

You know, during the '08 election it wasn't Tea Party members in paramilitary dress wielding batons yelling racial slurs. It wasn't the Tea Party that dropped a race crimes case because the plaintiffs were white and the defendants were black. What, a white person can't be a victim of a race crimes??? Only blacks can be victims now?

I'll tell you what, I have an assignment for any of you half brained liberals out there that are claiming the Tea Party is a racist organization... post a comment to this blog explaining it with REAL evidence how it is a racist movement.

How long are the liberals going to play this card for? It is getting old. Everywhere you go today you hear the saying, oh we can't do that that's racist. The Tea Party, Arizona's ILLEGAL immigration bill, SB1070, anyone who apposed or apposes Obama or any of the Obama administration's beliefs and so on. When will it stop? My guess is it won't. It won't stop until someone out there forces these people (if you can call a liberal that) to prove these outrageous accusations. Someone needs to publicly stand up to these people and be strong enough to withstand the storm. If the next Republican presidential candidate publicly apposes this current administration's ideas guaranteed they will be called a racist. I say WHEN this happens you make these liberals prove it. Don't hide from them, stand up to them and say, you are calling me a racist? PROVE IT! What have I done or said that is racist? Is disagreeing with a black man now a racist act? If so where have I been?

We can't let these people get away with this anymore, they have gotten away with this too long. Disagreeing with someone of the opposite race is not a racist act. And calling someone a racist because of that to me, is racist in itself. If we can put the shoe on the other foot we can change things.

What we need to take away from all this is, we need to stop running from these people when they try to play the race card. We need to stand up to them and say prove it. Stand there and tell me what I have done or said that is racist. Stand up to this liberal scum and shove it back down their throat. If we can do this we will be one step closer to "shutting the liberal up".
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