Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Key Word Is: ILLEGAL In The Term Illegal Immigration

Well, this new Illegal Immigration law Arizona signed back in April, SB1070, sure has brought us back to the topic, and that's saying it lightly. It's more like- brought us back to the topic at warp speed. During the whole health care fiasco people tended to forget about the issue and then BOOM, a nuclear explosion at the speed of a pen. After Gov. Jan Brewer signed the bill the illegal immigration issue is all anyone can talk about.

Before I get into the liberal bashing I'm going to tell you why we need this law and other laws like it. How many of you have been to the southwest of the United States? Those of you that haven't, ask someone who has. Ask these people to tell you how bad it really is. These illegal immigrants are running, walking, crawling and driving across the Mexico-U.S. boarder in record numbers. They are coming anyway they can. I have actually been driving down to Mexico for a quick vacation and seen people running through the desert with gallons of water in their hand and on their backs.

Before, ten/fifteen years ago, it was just a problem. Now it is out of control. We have these Drug cartels (who are pretty much running Mexico, ya great job Presidente Caldarone) sending drug mules across the boarders with AK47s and MAC 10s, telling them to shoot anybody they come across. And they do! They kill ranchers, people on vacation, border patrol agents, cops... literally anyone who they run into. If that is not bad enough some of the illegal immigrants aren't even making it across, they are dying from heat exhaustion before they even get to a safe place. And these coyotes (human smuggler/traffickers) just leave them out there to rot in the desert.

You ask me, well how do you stop this? Well I'll tell you how, its easy... BUILD A FENCE!!!!! and send an appropriate number of border patrol agents and national guard members down to the boarder. I'm not talking about desk jockeys, I'm talking about guys with guns and bad ass equipment.

I've heard these jackass liberals answer the question about the boarder fence too many times. And they always do it so sarcastically, it make me want to punch them in the face. Its the whole thing, "well if we put a 10' fence up you are gonna see a whole lot of 11' ladders sold in Mexico, ha ha ha ha". Well, first off a boarder fence isn't a simple 10' chain link fence jerkoff. It is a 12'-20' two layer steel fence reinforced with concrete with a camera on top of the north fence. So guess what? If someone with a ladder comes by and jumps the first fence, you see this with the camera on the second fence and you send the boarder patrol. Then the liberal will say, "what makes you think they will get there in time"? Well genius, this is where those extra bodies come in handy. If you have enough people we can be on top of the problem. And guess what boarder patrol and national guardsmen are government jobs, so, you should like that Mr. Liberal.

Well, since the federal government won't do this Mrs. Brewer decided to pass SB1070. After that we had every left wing nut job screaming it was prejudice. We had the president telling us that if we took our kids out for ice cream we were going to be harassed and have to show our papers or id. Then we had El Presidente Caldarone walk into our capital and denounce one of the states in the union. And what did these crazies do?... they applauded him. If it were me I would have walked out on him. What would Thomas Jefferson say to that? I can tell you he would be appalled.

This is the part I love... "Mr. Holder, Ms. Napolitano, MR. PRESIDENT"


"Well have you read the bill?"

Crickets... "No".


So, after all the kicking a screaming Eric Holder knows he can't go out looking like an idiot so he had to sue Arizona to prove he was right. The only problem is he couldn't find any thing remotely prejudice about the law. Any apology? Any sorry we judged you we were wrong? No. Instead he decides to sue Arizona saying the law pre-empted by federal law.

Yet again Eric Holder is making an idiot of himself. There is nothing in the constitution or on the federal books saying a state can not create their own immigration laws... naturalization yes, but not immigration. Result- Eric Holder will lose this lawsuit.

Now, not only does Arizona have the federal government suing them, they also have the pleasure of dealing with every liberal city from San Fransisco to New York saying they are going to boycott Arizona. These cities also decide they will go a step further and call them selves "sanctuary cities". In other words, all you illegal immigrants don't go to Arizona they are a bunch of bigots, come here, we don't care. We are going to ignore federal law, breaking it, and invite you to our city.

Do you notice I have been saying ILLEGAL immigration? What do these people not understand about that word. It is against the law. It is against the law to come across our boarders without permission. This liberal scum need to get it though their heads it is ILLEGAL. "Oh, well we might offend someone". WHO CARES??? They are from there we are from here. If they want to let them seal up their boarder and tell us to stay out. I would be more than happy to have to get a visa to go to Mexico. I might even like it more than I do now. I would tell me the Mexican government has at least some control over their country.

I could go on and on about this for some time but I won't. What I'm trying to say is, tell these liberals to shove it and vote them out in November. We need to get more people in office like Jon Kyl, people that are going to build the fence and take care of this major problem we have brewing down at the, yes, Mexican boarder. I haven't seen a sign in Phoenix that says "Welcome to little Canada" have you? Your vote in November can be one more thing that helps in "shutting the liberal up".

Until next time-


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