Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Dollar Bill and Barack Obama

First, lets go back to high school for a second. The roman empire fell for many reasons, probably too many to list in the piece. But, there are a few reasons that great empire fell that seem particularly relevant today. First, there was a severe decline in moral and ethical values among the politicians; two, their overconfidence and over expansion abroad and last but not least was the fiscal irresponsibility by the central government. Does any of that sound familiar?

I just thought I would put that in the back of your heads while you read the rest of this.

The United States spending is out of control. It is something we need to stop immediately. Our country cannot support this kind of negligence.

As of this week our national deficit, for the year, has passed the trillion dollar mark. Our national debt is nearly $14 trillion. All this and our liberal friends keep on spending like there is no bottom to this hole. I can tell you one thing, there is a bottom and if we ever get there it is going to be ugly, very ugly.

Our republican friends in the house and senate are doing everything they can to put a stop to this spending (having wild cards like Brown, Collins and Snowe aren't helping either).

The dems will come out with a plan to do something. The pubs say great, where are you going to get the money for this, are you going to borrow it from the stimulus plan? Guess what the answer to that is? That's right, you guessed it... No, we'll just barrow it, our nation debt is only $14 trillion. Luckily we have just enough votes in the senate to filibuster this madness, sometimes.

On top of all this two of our most populated states are bankrupt.

All this and we get the cherry on top, Barack Obama. That's right, our nations go to guy in a recession, thanks assholes. Lets start at the beginning with him, the campaign. You guys remember that? The whole 'if you elect me president I will cut the national deficit in half'. I haven't seen even the slightest attempt to cut the deficit $1, have any of you?

Then he is elected president. The first thing he does is pass the stimulus. I know a lot of people were on the wall of if it should have been done or not but I think we can put it down as a bad idea. So, the stimulus was passed and Obama and his leading economic advisor Christina Romer, who needs to be fired by the way, promise the American people unemployment wouldn't pass 8%. Where is unemployment now? Oh yeah, that's right 9.5%. That a difference of 5.3 million jobs!!! I'd say they got it wrong.

After the stimulus we have a long, long, long list of just "ingenious" ideas of what to do with money we don't have. From giving the Palestinians $400 million, for absolutely no reason, to something "small" like $84 billion. The list is way too long to start listing everything and all of you already know.

Now we are back to present time and Obama has done it again. He walked up to his teleprompter with his head held high and his chest puffed out and he pats himself on the back for creating green-private sector jobs.

These green jobs he is so proud of cost the American people $2 billion. You say, wow it must be a lot of jobs, right? Guess again. It's a measly 5100 jobs. That might sound like a lot but if you break it down it comes to around $400,000 a job, 10 times what the average American makes. And, that is $400,000 to just create the job. Something is wrong here.

Even for Obama that is sad. If it cost that much money to create jobs it shows failure of the government to aid the private sector.

If that wasn't enough he comes back and does it again. Obama hid $795 million in a 2,000+ page bill to create 5,000 jobs, that's $160,000/job for creation.

So with $2,750,000,000 (that's a lot of zeros) Barack Obama created 10,100 jobs. If that money was given to the private sector and divided up amongst companies it could have created nearly 70,000 jobs at the average American wage.

At these spending rates soon we will be paying more in interest on what we owe than we can produce. It's called bankruptcy.

Now that we have looked into how Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi (P Funk) and Harry Reid are spending our money. It makes you think, how can people be this dumb. But what is even worse is they think they are doing it right. Also, I'm sure most of you can agree with me that Obama must have a hard-on for these tax increases coming in January.

These are the reason we need to vote these people out of office in November and in 2012. The spending is out of control. Going to the polls and forcing these people out of a job is one more thing we can do to help in "shutting the liberal up". Everybody go out and vote!!!

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