Friday, March 11, 2011

Net Neutrality


Once again Barack Obama and his administration are after more power with unchecked executive orders while completely ignoring the wishes of the American people. It is obvious that the liberals in this country didn’t understand the message the American people sent this government back in November. You know… that clear cut message of LESS GOVERNMENT?!?!?!?

This time Obama is after control of the internet with “Net Neutrality”. Back in December of 2010 the head honchos over at the FCC held a vote to implement the new rules of Net Neutrality. They did this completely disregarding the decision DC Appeals Court, eight months earlier, telling them they couldn’t do it because they didn’t have the authority to regulate the internet that way.

But, to no surprise at all, the vote passed anyway, showing the progressives in government today have no respect for separation of power. The vote was split right down party lines, 3-2. The three Democrats that voted for it were Mignon Clyburn, Michael Copps and Chairman Julius Genachowski. The Republicans that voted against it were Robert McDowell and Meredith Baker.

Well what is Net Neutrality?.... Net Neutrality is a set of regulations that would prohibit Internet Service Providers from discriminating against data and content while making it illegal to transfer certain websites data faster than other sites data. On the surface it looks like a really good plan but think about it for a second. What has made the internet so great and so prosperous? That’s right, the fact that government hasn’t been involved in it in any way, shape or form.

The reason the internet has flourished the way it has in the past 10-15 years is because government has been kept out of it.

The liberals love to play the “fair” card. Well, this makes everything fair. The liberal blogger in his underwear, in his parent’s basement, would get the same download speed as FOX News would get under the Net Neutrality regulations. The problem with that is it shouldn’t be fair. FOX News, paying hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in internet service bills should get a priority over the kid in his room watching porn. That’s just the way it is.

This is also what business is, offering a product that people want for money. If someone is willing to pay more for a faster internet connection, the service providers should be able to offer that in their internet packages if they want. If a consumer doesn’t like what a service provider is doing they can always switch providers. If a certain service provider blocks a particular site and the consumer doesn’t like that, just change providers.

What Net Neutrality changes is, if the government decides to block a certain site or certain content you can’t switch governments. There is nowhere else to go because every service provider is providing the same thing. Where this gets really dangerous is, what if Barack Obama decides to block his opponent’s campaign site one month before the election? What will stop him from doing it? By the time it gets settled in court the election is already over. The damage is already done.

The fact is 80% of Americans have a choice between at least two different service providers for their internet needs. What this means is, if one service provider is doing something the people in the area don’t like, the other provider is going to make sure it is doing the opposite. It’s called competition, that’s what business is. This also means that there is a lot of room for growth in the service provider market.

The reason some of the big companies like Netflix are supporting the Net Neutrality regulations is because it makes it harder for newcomers to enter the market. The more regulations there are in an industry the harder it is for a new company to start up. Look at the automotive industry…. Why do you think there have been no new car companies created in the past 20-30 years? It is because there are so many regulations in the industry that it is nearly impossible for a new company to start up.

This applies to the internet industries the same way. These big companies that have already established themselves and already have their foot in the door have nothing to worry about. Then, the more internet regulations that come around the safer they become. The regulations force these businesses to provide a certain product a certain way. So, when the newcomer comes into the market he can’t offer anything new or different because the regulations limit what he can do.

The reason some of these companies are objecting to these new regulations is because Net Neutrality will limit their potential to create new business opportunities and to produce more revenue. There is a lot of money to be made out there on the internet and it is packed full of potential. The problem is when government introduces regulations like this into the market it puts a huge dent in the amount money that can be made and the amount that can be achieved through innovation.

Now, on top of all this, Barack Obama wants an off switch he can use in times of “crisis” to turn off the internet when he sees fit. What possible crisis could arise to where it would be necessary to turn off the internet? The answer is none. It would just be another display of power Obama wants to possess.

Would it be a crisis if he was down 30 points in the polls going into November 2nd?... An “accidental” slip of the finger turning the internet off here and there till his numbers go up? Just a thought.

The internet was turned off in Egypt when the country broke out into complete chaos and Obama demanded it be turned back on… yet he wants to be able to do it himself in this country? Ya, that makes a whole lot of sense. The simple fact is it’s all about power and nothing else.

Another horrible idea the president has added to his internet regulation is to give all internet users in America an Internet ID. Now why else would they want to do this other than to just spy on people and see what everybody is doing? It is just a nonstop power grab with this president and his administration? That’s all they are after, is power.

There is some good news about Net Neutrality that has developed in the past few weeks though. The Republicans in the House seem to have their heads on straight. They are making sure that the Democrats can’t implement these internet regulations and are stopping the power grab.

First, House Republicans made sure when they passed this last continuing resolution a few weeks ago, to fund the government through mid-march, they told the FCC it was not allowed to use any of the money they were given, for operations, to enact any parts of Net Neutrality. This is just a temporary measure taken until they can defund the whole thing and pass a law to make sure this never happens again.

Second, Congressional Republican leaders are starting to focus on the Net Neutrality argument again. For a while there, it seemed as if people had forgotten all about it, but its back. John Boehner himself even posted a blog giving 11 reasons why a government takeover of the internet is a bad thing.

Net Neutrality is a great example of job crushing, innovation killing regulations implemented by power hungry liberals in Washington DC. These power grabs need to be stopped. If America continues to walk down this path with blinders on this recession will soon become the new norm. The internet is one of the last government-free industries out there. And look at it, there is a new self-made millionaire created every day because of it.

We all know the liberals hate it when they hear someone has done well for themselves and made a lot of money, but who cares. Let them live in their miserable little bubble dreaming of that completely socialist society where everybody is the same. Remember Ayn Rand’s book Anthem? Just don’t let them make it a reality. The internet is an amazing resource with endless potential. As soon as the government gets involved, that is all gonna go right down the drain. The reason the internet is so great today is because the government isn’t involved. Let’s keep it that way!

Pass the word along about why Net Neutrality needs to be stopped. Next time you’re at a dinner party bring it up and tell your friends why these regulations are killing our country. It is time to just stop sitting there thinking everything will work out for the best. These liberals have become dangerous and need to be stopped. We can’t do this from our living rooms. Get out there, get hungry! Make a difference!

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  1. Wow, it's been a while since I've seen such a brainwashed conservative dimwit not running for GOP office or anchoring on Fox News. Why don't they give you a job?

  2. Yes so he with the biggest pocket book gets all the benefits and you think that makes it easier for new companies or voices to be heard? You also seem to think the Internet is for private companies only, a playground for abusing the citizens. No shock how tragically uniformed and ignorant you are to not even realize Net Nutrality is how you can write this crap blog. Or that the biggest growth of the web was under NN rules...Continuing to prove how moronic you are.
